For event agencies, marketing/HR and the public agencies

Organize company meetings in compliance with data protection regulations and secure against eavesdropping

Diverse company employees having online business conference video call on tv screen monitor in board meeting room. Videoconference presentation, global virtual group corporate training concept.

Employee co-determination that saves money, time and nerves and is not spied on

With the new edition of Section 129 BetrVG, you as a works council can hold works meetings online or hybrid (i.e. on site and online at the same time). Everyone benefits from each participant not having to travel: At the moment, traveling is no fun. Travel costs for transportation and overnight stays are constantly reaching new highs, while trains and airports are overloaded, luggage is lost, trains are delayed and flights are canceled completely. Car journeys are harmful to the environment, exhausting and a risk to life and limb after exuberant celebrations. In the end, your company saves real money: you can hold an online works meeting for as little as 1 euro per participant.

The GDPR applies

You are obliged to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. Everything that happens at a works meeting falls under data protection. Are you planning an online-only or hybrid meeting and need the right software?

Zoom and Teams are spy programs

Online tools like Zoom and Teams fail. They work like a bug that has latched onto your conference. Everything is transmitted. IP address of the participants, the PII (personal individual identification) and Zoom also invites another thirteen! services to listen in on you. Zoom uses facial and voice recognition and converts everything spoken into text to store it somewhere and market it. A no-go!

With Teams, everyone sees what they are not allowed to see

Teams is not a solution either. Microsoft recently changed its terms and conditions for Teams, which is hosted online, and reserves the right to "process data for its own purposes". In plain language, you are giving them your colleagues' data for further processing. Data from your works meeting is stored somewhere and monetized by the Microsoft Group. In case of doubt, you are liable to prosecution because your colleagues have not given their consent. First damages judgments have already been handed down. Teams also displays all other participants in the conference, for example. This is also not GDPR-compliant, as no colleague may know whether and for how long they are attending the conference.

The alternative

You need a technology that does not intercept any data at your company meeting. Where you remain the owner of your data. And that's We are the data protection-friendly alternative to YouTube, Zoom and Teams. With Video.Taxi Studio, you can set up a works meeting within ten minutes and easily from your computer. You can find out how to hold an online works meeting without data theft here.
