For event agencies, marketing/HR and the public agencies
Case Study - Live Sign Language

Case Study German Bundestag

How the German Bundestag promotes accessible communication and reaches citizens with live subtitling and sign language interpretation.


The German Bundestag, based in Berlin, is Germany’s central legislative body, directly elected by the citizens according to the constitution. The 20th Bundestag comprises 734 members representing the pluralistic will of the people. Regular session weeks are supplemented with special sessions where sign language interpretation is provided to promote the political participation of all citizens.


Implementing accessible communication, especially real-time sign language interpretation, presents a significant challenge. The need for highly accurate translation is critical as errors cannot be corrected after the fact. This accuracy is essential for the quality of democratic participation for people with hearing impairments. Any translation error can directly affect understanding and participation in democratic processes.


VIDEO.TAXI offers a revolutionary solution with a platform that not only enables live sign language interpretation but also allows seamless integration of interpreters into the system. Interpreters can work from VIDEO.TAXI studios or remotely from their home studios, providing an efficient and adaptable production method. The platform also facilitates smooth shift changes between interpreters, ensuring continuous translation and accessibility.


Introducing live sign language interpretation in the German Bundestag significantly improved accessible communication for political discussions and decisions. Approximately 220 hours per year are now translated into sign language live, enabling people with hearing impairments to participate actively in political discourse. This is a crucial step toward strengthening inclusion within German democracy.

Now It’s Your Turn

Do you want to offer accessible communication in your organization? Secure your free consultation today and learn how our innovative live sign language interpretation can not only promote participation but also expand your reach. Don’t miss the opportunity to make your messages accessible to everyone.

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