For event agencies, marketing/HR and the public agencies

Breaking Down Language Barriers at International Events


Imagine organizing an international event where every participant, regardless of language or hearing ability, feels fully included. Sounds promising, right?

But consider these scenarios:
A passionate speaker delivers a message in a language most of the audience doesn’t understand. Or a speaker struggles to express themselves in a non-native language, losing the emotional impact.
In both cases, misunderstandings inevitably arise, leaving the audience dissatisfied.

This should be a thing of the past. At VIDEO.TAXI , we tackle these challenges of cultural differences, language barriers, and technical hurdles head-on.

We had the opportunity to showcase our live translation and subtitling at the "SUMM AI" event, allowing us to present the innovative aspects of our technology.  

The Power of Inclusion  
Using live translation and subtitling significantly improves interaction between presenters and the audience. This means spoken content is translated in real-time, allowing the audience to participate seamlessly, regardless of language. 

Enabling Access for the Hearing Impaired
People with hearing impairments can participate in events and larger gatherings by having spoken words converted into text in real-time, which they can read as it happens.

How It Works

Organizers receive an exclusive link. With just one click, real-time subtitles or translations appear on the event screens.

By scanning a QR code with their smartphone, participants can access VIDEO.TAXI 's website, where they can follow the original live subtitles in real-time. There’s also the option to translate the subtitles into any chosen language directly. 

Additional Benefits of Live Translation

Diverse Range of Applications
Live translation and subtitling enable seamless global communication in various languages for businesses. This technology is also used in international conferences and educational institutions, opening new possibilities for cross-border knowledge and idea exchange. 

Strengthening Cultural Connections
Not only does it facilitate information exchange, but it also strengthens the connection between different cultures, fostering a deeper understanding among people from various backgrounds. 

A Glimpse into the Future
Live translation promises a future of seamless global communication. With ongoing technological improvements, we can look forward to a world where language barriers are overcome, and people from different parts of the world can connect effortlessly.

Live translation is the driving force behind accessibility and inclusive communication. By overcoming language barriers, it connects people from different parts of the world. In a time when diversity is celebrated, live translation becomes an essential tool for a globalized society that thrives on barrier-free communication. 


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